How the PTFA supports St Joseph’s School

St Joseph’s has some of the lowest additional grant funding levels in Bromley.

Local Authority budgets continue to be squeezed and school budgets are on the decrease:

St Joseph’s Budget Per Pupil:

This makes Self Fundraising VERY important for schools like St Joseph’s! Fortunately, we have been successful at achieving this in the past, BUT it is something that has to be maintained:

St Joseph’s Self-Fundraising Per Pupil:

The funds raised as a result of the PFTA events and projects provide additional equipment, facilities, and initiatives that enhance the school and our children’s education. Big or small projects, we are here to focus on all aspects of fundraising on behalf of our school.

Your support is vital to the success of the PTFA.  Without the generous donations and contributions from everyone who attends the PTA events, we would not be able to provide all that we do.